DESCRIPTION ___________ DrawMe version 1.0 is freeware (yes really!) and is designed to provide a simple means for creating diagrams and illustrations to scale. As well as all the usual drawing tools (including Bezier curves), DrawMe provides a range of tools for editing objects. For example objects can be stretched, rotated, sheared, flipped, inverted, grouped or aligned with one another. DrawMe will act as an OLE server and as an OLE client (to OLE version 1), this makes it easy to embed or link bitmaps and other objects within a DrawMe drawing, and the resultant drawing can in turn be embedded into your word processor or DTP software. DrawMe also provides context sensitive mouse menus - click on the right mouse button to access these. Three sample files are include - check out *.dmw. INSTALLING DRAWME _________________ To install DrawMe simply run drawme.exe. The first time the program is run your system registration database and win.ini are updated so that DrawMe will be available as an OLE server. An "ini" file drawme.ini is added to your windows directory. REMOVING DRAWME _______________ To uninstall drawme, simply run remove.exe. This will clean up win.ini and the registration database, and delete drawme.ini from the windows directory. To complete de-installation delete the program, help and sample files from your hard disk, these files are listed below. KNOWN PROBLEMS ______________ Some display drivers are incompatible with DrawMe 1.5. To test for this, load the sample drawing coach.dmw, if you experience a GPF then your display driver will not work with DrawMe. The prime culprit here is the Beta release for the Stealth64 Windows 95 driver. Solution - upgrade your display driver to a newer version, or use the standard Microsoft SVGA ones which work fine. This distribution should contain the following files: PROGRAM AND HELP FILES: _______________________ Drawme.exe Bc30rtl.dll Dmcolour.dll Dmdata.dll Dmdlg.dll Owl31.dll Tclass31.dll Remove.exe Drawme.hlp SAMPLE DRAWINGS: ________________ Coach.dmw House.dmw Manor.dmw OTHER FILES: ____________ readme.txt File_id.diz